Category Archives: General

Xal u helida caqabadaha ka dhashay xanunka Covid-19 ee saameynta u Ku yeeshay waxbarashada.

Caabuqa Covid-19 waxa uu galaaftay nafaha boqolaal kun oo qof, oo dunida daafaheeda ku noolaa, sidoo kale waxa uu saamayn ku yeeshay nooc-kasta oo nolosha aadanaha dunida ku nool.

Meelaha uu saamaynta ba’an ku yeeshay waxaa kamid ah waxbarashada oo isbeddel ku dhacay habkii wax loo baranjiray oo ahaa in macallinka inta uu fasalka soo galo ardayda si toos ah usiiyo casharrada. Habkaasi markii uu meesha kabaxay waxaa soo kor dhay in waxbasharashadii iyo duruustii lagu gudbiyo hab fogaan aragga ah oo ah mid caqabadihiisa wata.

Haddaba waxaa jira dad badan oo aan awooddin helitaanka agabka loo isticmaalo waxbarashada fogaan aragga ah, sida; Computer-ka, Telefon-ka Smartphones-ka ah, Internet-ka iyo Korontada. Si arrintaas xal loogu raadsho ayaa Dalladda ururrada Dhalinyarada ee PYAN oo kaashanaysa Global Campaing for Education GCE ayaa waxay qabatay kulan ay ugu talagashay wacyigalin iyo u-qareemid si loo helo imkaaniyaadka lagama maarmaanka ah ee ka saacidaya dadka aan awooddin ka qeybgalka waxbarashada fogaan aragga ah.

Dadka ay caqabadahaani la soo gudboonaadeen ama la soo dareen waxaa ka mid ah Danyarta, Barakacaaysha iyo dadyowga ku nool meelaha fogfog ama tuulooyinka ah.

Waxaa laga yabaa in dad badani aanay ka war heyn caqabadahaan ay Covid-19-ka kala kulmeen bulshooyinka nugul, sidoo kale aynu wali halis ugu jirno caabuqa oo soo laba kacleeya. Haddaba waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in lagu baraarugo oo loo qareemo sidii carruurta bulshooyinka aan kor ku soo sheegnay aanay uga hari laheyn waxbarashada.

Vacancy Announcement



                                                            TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR)





Title:                          CAPACITY BUIDLING FOR PYAN

Type of Contract:    Individual – Local Expert

Duration:                  20 days

Proposed start date:1stDecember 2016

Program:                   Somali Youth Learner’s Initiative (SYLI)





The Somali Youth Leaders/Learners Initiative (SYLI) is a five-year USAID funded program that focuses on enhancing quality basic education and increasing civic engagement and participation opportunities for Somali youth to contribute to community development and reduce instability in target areas. The project will address these issues by engaging youth in the region with training support, facilitation and guidance to empower young people to positively and productively contribute to society.


In 2015, SYLI in collaboration with Puntland Ministry of Youth, Labour and Sports (MOLYS) and MUDAN youth network have established the first youth umbrella in Puntland following series of consultative meetings that brought togetherrepresentatives of all the 10 regional youth networks in Puntland, MOLYS officials and other relevant stakeholders in Garowe. PYAN has now a clear constitution and working national structure through our partnership with MOLYS but lacks capacity and long-term support to sustain its youth operations throughout the regions of Puntland. Thus, Mercy Corps and MOLYS are looking for a local expert who will be tasked to develop a capacity building support to the core leadership of PYAN to strengthen its existence and improve its connections to both the public and private sector.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop and implement an elaborate institutional capacity building plan for the umbrella group (20 senior management team members of PYAN) and facilitate one national youth conference with the specific theme to address emerging youth issues in Garowe and operational support and essential furniture will be provided to the PYAN offices to facilitate their youth activities across the regions. 100 youth leaders under the PYAN umbrella will be drawn from various regions to attend the national conference. The Ministry of Youth and Labour will take lead on this activity.

The overall goal of the capacity building training is to improve the job performance of key PYAN staff to absolve their duties as youth leaders and oversee functions of the PYAN more effectively. PYAN staff will be equipped with essential skills relevant to their day-to-day tasks, including strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, communication, and operational planning.


The consultant will lead the actual capacity building plan and strategic development plan for PYAN. The consultant will work with a small selected team of resource persons from SYLI, Ministry of Youth, Labour and Sports PYAN and MUDAN to develop the draft strategic plan that will be validated through the stakeholder’s validation workshop.

  • Conduct literature review on existing youth policies, interviews, and focus group discussion
  • Conduct a capacity assessment and ddevelop and share an appropriate training manual and training plan with MC for mutual discussion and approval, at least five days before the training starts
  • Use the training as a platform where PYAN officials both at the central offices and regional offices interact and acquire skills and best practices on how to develop effective youth strategies and adopt best practices of the youth development policy. To do this, he/she must conduct pre- and post-training evaluation to ascertain the knowledge and skills gap and the impact made by the training. The results of these should be indicated in the report
  • Ensure the capacity building plan for PYAN is highest standard; Present the draft capacity building and strategic plan for input and feedback and to validate and finalize the documents
  • Conduct pre- and post-training evaluation to ascertain the knowledge and skills gap and the impact of the session. The results of these should be indicated in the training report


  • Submit soft and hard copies of the final capacity plan and training report to MC and MOLYS and make sure they are contextually appropriate, comprehensive and in line with the country’s rules and laws.




By the end of the training, the following are expected

  • 20PYAN officials both central and regional levels trained on management of youth programs in Puntland, organizational planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and communication, advocacy and coordination strategy
  • A detailed report explaining the training progress, successes achieved, challenges encountered and potential areas for further improvement
  • A training manual that addresses the gaps identified in the assessment
  • Enhanced staff understanding of leadership, communication, coordination of youth development interventions as well as monitoring and supervision
  • Improved staff skills in developing action plans based on ministry priorities; and developing effectivedata collection and coordination plans for PYAN
  • Recommendations for effective coordination of youth programs, including improved collaboration and facilitation of regional youth network activities throughout Puntland regions.
  • Completed and verified assessment tools and a summary page of key findings
  • Completed attendance sheets, pre and post-test evaluations



The facilitator will employ a variety of methodologies, which include:

  • Panel discussions
  • Small group discussion and presentation
  • Brainstorming
  • Demonstration, drama, poetry/role play
  • Participatory and group work activities
  • Discussion of experiences, learning, & applications by presentation and readings
  • Exercises and case studies



Mercy Corps will:

  • Together with MC provide briefing to the consultant on the proceedings of the capacity assessment and training for PYAN Core leadership
  • Provide stationery for carrying out the training for participants and trainer
  • Supervise the training proceedings in collaboration with MOLYS
  • Provide the participants with refreshment and training venue
  • Ensure that all payments/allowances are incompliance with donor regulations and procedures
  • Review the proposed trainers/consultants by the MOLYS and PYAN
  • Receive, review and approve workshop report by the facilitator and deliver to MOYLSand MC


  • Recommend qualified consultants/trainers for PYAN capacity assessment and training to be vetted and reviewed by Mercy corps
  • Approve the list of trainees
  • Supervise the training proceedings and ensure that the training achieves expected outputs as per TOR and ensure that the trainer maintain signed attendance sheets
  • Receive and review copy of training report




This assignment will last for 20 days; 10 days for conducting training needs assessment and developing the training modules and schedules, 6 days for the actual training and 4 days for preparation and report writing. The timeframe for each training will be a minimum of 5 days with 4 hours of training each day, making the training to have a total duration of at least 20 hours.



  • Master’s degree in Social Science or related field
  • Minimum of 3-5 years’ experience as a facilitator conducting similar trainings
  • Previous experience in training, developing strategies, policies and other related documents
  • Strong knowledge of youth programming and youth interventions in Puntland; skills in civic engagement, advocacy, resource mobilization, and events planning
  • Fluency in English, Somali and excellent communication and writing skills
  • Knowledge of basic computer skills
  • Knowledge of Positive Youth Development (PYD) is a plus


The consultant will be paid with a daily rate of  $100 (one hundred US dollar) per day for 20 days, and a total $$2,000 (two thousand US dollar), this include:-

  • The cost of conducting PYAN capacity assessment and training needs assessment,
  • The cost of developing training manual and training schedules
  • The cost of facilitating the training and
  • Sharing PYAN capacity assessment plan and training report.

Payments will be made after completion of task and submission of final reports by Mercy Corps and MOLYS.

Mercy Corps will not accept any other claims other than those specified in this TOR and the service contract.


______________________________                                       ________________

Facilitator                                                                                         Date



______________________________                                         ______________

Mercy Corps  Representative                                                                  Date




______________________________                                       ________________

MOLYS Representative




Dhagayso:- Gudoomiyaha ururka dhalinyarada Puntland oo ka hadlay Tartankii Galabta iyo Guusha Puntland

Gudoomiyaha ururka dhalinyarada dawlada Puntland ee Bayaan mudane Aways Axmed Sardheeye, ayaa ka hadlay koobkii ay qaaday dawlada Puntland iyo gushii ay ka gareentay koobkii maamul goboleedyada ee ka socday magaalada Muqdisho.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa hanbalyo u diray dhamaan dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed waxaana sidoo kale uu sheegay in Puntland ay hormar buuxa ka gaartay dhanka Sportska ama ciyaaraha waxana uu carabka ku dhuftay inaytaasi sahashay amniga iyo hormarka ka jira dal.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa soo hadal qaaday Puntland inay ahayd hooyadii Soomaaliya koobkana yahay kii ugu horeyey ee noociisa ah ee lagu qabto dalka isla markana Puntland uu minaasib ku ahaa hana ay sidaasi iyo dadaalkii dheeraa ku heshay.

Aways Axmed Sardheeye, ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu hanbalyo taas lamid ah u diray xulka dawlad goboleedka jubbaland ee kaalinta labaad galay tartankii koobkii maamul goboleedyada ee ka socday magaalada Muqdisho ee caasumada dalka Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho.

Gaba gabadii mudane Aways ayaa sheegay Soomaaliya inay hormar ku tilaabsatay hadii shalay laga daawan jiray ciyaaro reer yurub oo quruxbadan ama si wanaagsan loo soo sawiro maanta laga heli karo gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ayna tahay guul.

Halkaan ka dhegeyso gudoomiyaha dhalinyaradda puntland.


(Sawirro):- Gudoomiyaha dhalinyarada Puntland & wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo Kismaayo Gaaray.

Magaalada Kismaayo  waxaa manta lagu soo dhaweeyay Naadiga Comsed ee Gaalkacyo,iyadoona halkaan ay ku samayn doonaan kulamo saaxiibtinimo oo ay la ciyaari doonaan naadiyo ka dhisan Magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarunta KMG ahee Jubbaland.

Ciyaartoyda iyo Naadiga Comsed ayaa Safarkooda waxaa ku wehelinayay Gudoomiyaha dhalinyarada Puntland,Xoghayaha Xariirka Kubada Cagta Gobolka Mudug Yuusuf Carab, iyo Garsoorayaal heer Soomaaliya  ah, iyadoona kulamada ciyaaraha ka sokow kulamo kale uu Kismaayo ka samayn doono Gudoomiyaha Dhalinyarada Puntland.

Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Kismaayo ayaa naadiga waxa akusoo dhaweeyay, Maamulka Degmada, kan Ciyaardaha ee Jubbaland iyo dadwayne kale, waxaana dhamaantood ay shegeen in ay ku faraxsan yihiin naadiga Comsed & wafdiga kasocda Dalada Guud ee dhalinyarada Puntland.

Ugu horayn waxaa hadal kooban Jeediyay Gudoomiyaha Degmada Kismaayo Ibraahim Tima  waxaana uu sheegay in Kismaayo ay kusoo dhawaynayaan Naadiga Comsed & Dalada dhalinyarada Puntland, iyadoona intaas uu ku daray in Kulamada halkaan ka dhici doona ay sahlayaan isdhexgalka dhalinyarada Soomaaliya

Aways Axmed Sardheeye Gudoomiyaha dhalinyarada Piuntland ayaa dhankiisa hadal uu jeediyay sheegay in muhiim ay tahay xariir iyo wada shaqayn wanaagsan oo dhexmarta Daladaha dhalinyarada Jubbaland iyo Puntland.

‘’Waxaan halkaan u imaanay arrimo isdhexgal Ciyaaro ayuu samayn doonaa Naadiga Comsed, waxaan kaloo anagu kulamo la qaadan doonaa maamulka Jubbaland Hay’adihiisa ha dhalinyarada quseeya  iyo Dalada dhalinyarada, waxaana Is arageenu uu horseedayaa Xariir labada dhalinyaro dhexmara kaas oo Isdhexgal ku salaysan’’ Ayuu Yiri Gudoomiyaha dhalinyarada Puntland.

Gudoomiyaha Naadiga Comsed Cabdiqani Carabay ayaa ka mahad celiyay soo dhawaynta loogu sameeyay Kismaayo iyo Marti qaadka, dhanka kalena waxaa uu bogaadiyay Nuuradiin aadan Diiriye oo fududeeyay Safarka ay ku soo gaareen Magaalada Kismaayo ee Jubbaland.

Hoos ka Daawo Sawirro

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(Sawirro)-Dallada ururada dhalinyarada Puntland oo xubin ka noqotay dallada jaaliyada Puntland ee Yurub

Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Eng.Cabdixakiin Cabdulaahi Xaaji Cumar ayaa maanta ka qayb-galay munaasabad lagu daah-furayey wada shaqaynta dallada dhalinyarada Puntland PAYA-N iyo dallada ururada qurba joogta Puntland ee yurub oo ka dhacday magaalada Garoowe.

Munaasada daahfurka ahayd ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa sidookale wasiiro ka tirsan xukuumada Puntland,xubno ka tirsan dhaliyarada iyo qurba joogta Puntland ee qaarada Yurub.

Ujeedada munaasabadaan ayaa daaranayd kamid noqoshada dallada dhalinyarada Puntland ee PAYAN ay kaga mid noqonayso dallada ururada qurbe joogta Puntland ee qaaradda yurub.

Gudoomiyaha dallada dhalinyarada Puntland ee PAYAN uways Axmed Sardheeye oo hadal ka jeediyey munaasabada ayaa sheegay in ka dhabeeyeen balanqaadkoodii ahaa in ay xiriir u sameeyaan dhalinyarada puntland iyo qurbe joogta tani ay qayb ka tahay hirgalinta balan qaadkaasi,ayna waxbadan ku rajaynayaan qurnbe joogta Puntland.

Cabdiqani Axmed Ducaale oo ah gudoomiyaha 14 urur oo ku midaysan yihiin ururada qurbe joogta Puntland iyo labo urur oo ka tirsan dalka Finland ayaa sheegay in dalladooda ay gacan qaban doonto dallada ururada dhalinyarada Puntland ayna waxyaabo badan ka kaalmayn doonaan si dalladu ay guulo uga gaarto talaabooyinka ay hiigsanayso ee ku aadan horumarinta dhalinyarada Puntland.

Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Eng.Cabdixakiin Cabdulaahi Xaaji oo munaasabada si rasmi ah u daahfuray ayaa ugu baaqay ururadda qube joogta Puntland inay gacan siiyaan dhalinyarada Puntland waxaana uu sheegay inuu ku faraxsanyahay in ay midoobaan dallada ururadda dhalinyarada Puntland dallada qube joogta Puntland ee yurub.

Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland ayaa sheegay in dhalinyarada Puntland ay ku dhamaadeen tahriibka Badda oo uu sheegay inuu yahay dhibaato ku habsatay dhalinyarada Puntland waxaana uu intaa ku daray inay gacan ka gaysan karaan qurbe joogta Puntland sidii dhalinyada dhibaatadaas looga hor joogsan lahaa.


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